Easily reach travel agents today with our 65,000+ email database

Get your marketing material in front of travel agents in the United States with Eblasts. Easy, cost-effective and efficient for you!

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    Easy to use platform!

    This platform has been designed to help you easily upload and send marketing material to the database of 65,000 travel agents in the United States.

    Upload your content (either a flyer, HTML code or create an Eblast from scratch), pick your preferred date and then the platform takes care of sending it to the database.

    You will receive an email confirmation when your Eblast has been sent, then stats (sends, opens and clicks) one week later.

    Our Database

    Travel Agents

    Travel agents all across the United States ready for your marketing.

    Email Marketing

    Opt-in subscribers looking for material on travel suppliers so they can do their job.

    Open Rate

    The database has an average open rate of 25% depending on the content.


    Ongoing cleaning of the database so any old emails get washed away.


    Emails are limited to once a day to not overload our readers.


    A respected name in the travel since 1973, trusted by travel agents.

    How does our platform work?

    Upload your marketing content, select your date, pay online and we’ll send your Eblast as scheduled.

    Get an email confirmation when it’s been sent and then full stats one week later.




    BRONZEMost Popular$699

    • 1 Eblast
    Order Now

    SILVERMost Popular$1,199

    • 2 Eblasts
    • Different Dates
    Order Now


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